Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Concert update

Last week notes went home about the upcoming concert and what the students will need to provide for themselves and what they will need to pay their teachers for their costumes. We have been working very hard to ensure that our costume costs are more than reasonable and trying to keep life simple for parents. Please assist us now by paying your costumes by next week so that we can hand out the costumes during class time.

Please note that all hire costumes MUST be returned on the class immediately after the concert (unless the teacher has arranged for them to be collected at the concert). If you are not planning on attending on the class immediately after the concert please arrange for them to be dropped off on that day so that costumes can be finalized. This is crucial as some costumes need to be returned to the hirer immediately after the concert.

Tickets are now available for purchase. You can buy these directly from your teacher, please pay cash or cheque for these - not electronic transfer.

If you have not paid for your scholarship entry and are wanting to do so, please do so this week. It is $10 for the entry fee.

So far, I have only had 3 or 4 people offer to help at the concert. The lists of helpers needed are up at the school venues for you to write down what you would be happy to help with. The teachers can do fill all the jobs required to ensure the day runs smoothly and we are always very greatful for any help. Helpers in the past have told me that they really enjoyed helping - if you have never done it, perhaps this will be a good year to try.

Happy preparations and see you at the concert if not sooner!


Lisa P

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