Friday, January 16, 2009

2009 timetable

Dear Parents & Students,
Hello! Thank you for choosing to dance or take Pilates with DJAZZEX last year! On behalf of everyone at DJAZZEX we wish you a HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS 2009 and look forward to seeing you in our classes again this year. You will notice soon that there will be some advertising in the newspapers about our classes resuming in February. As our timetable and enrolment information is now on the internet, and more and more people are using it, I can not offer first choice to our already existing students. Please book early this year to ensure that we don't exceed our class maximums.- we value you as part of our school and would hate to say we can't fit you in! Also, if you are not intending to continue we appreciate your letting us know as we do get very attached to our students and look forward to seeing your return each year.
Term 1 commences on the 2nd February, and will run for 10 weeks until the 11th April.
The timetable is now available on the website.
If there is any confusion as to which class will be most suitable, please feel free to give me a call on 9949 1486, or email me at
As always, each terms' fees will continue to be exactly the same regardless of it's actual length, as I found this avoided a lot of confusion.
Keep dancing!

Lisa :-)
9949 14860419 690 609
24 Myrtle Street,

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